Psychic Gifts
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Knowledge and Wisdom
KNOWLEDGE: The ability to provide answers to any question asked.

WISDOM: The ability to know right from wrong and to question your higher inner self.

COMMUNICATION: The ability to listen and talk with equal ease and competence.
TELEPATHY:The ability to transfer thoughts and feelings and harness the power of the mind from one person to another.
CHANNELING: The ability to be a medium in voice and appearance for any spirit, alien, animal or other life form.
COMPASSION: The ability to show caring and understanding for any other life form

The ability to totally relax the mind, body and soul of another including oneself from within and without.
The ability to move oneself or any other object in any direction one wishes at whatever speed.
HEALING: The ability to use the power within to heal any other life form through the use of the soul and hands.
INTERRESTRIAL:The ability to receive and impart knowledge of a higher source.

SUPERINTELLIGENCE: The ability to use the higher source within to harness all things involved in Emotionally, Financially, Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually.

The ability to see, sense and feel all other life forms through mediumistic ability.

SUPERNATURAL: The ability to always combat Evil with Good using Faith, Truth and Honesty through the power of LOVE.