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How do you learn to channel?

As a child, did you ever have an imaginary fiend?

Do the imaginary friends we have deserve a better explanation? Is it possible that they might be real? What purpose do they play? Are they always in harmony? Is there a bigger picture that tells the real story?

A different perspective

The intelligent way to understand channelling is not about proving and verifying in a mechanical way. What point of view do you have about communications from other beings? I hesitate to call them 'beings' because that word has too many New Age connotations. I prefer to call them friends or guides. I have made many new friends over the years in my work as a psychic. Some stay around for much longer than others. My most consistent communications have been with Running Wind my guardian and my guides. People who experience messages from the guides feel the validity of the communication. Any initial scepticism on my part did not stand up to the confirmation I received from other people.

Where do they come from?

My freinds have come from my past life associations with Native New Zealand Maori and Native Red Indian culture and traditions.
What about you?

Have you had any signs that someone could be around and wanting to connect? What can you do to be sure that it is a valid communication?

Be open. Do not jump to any hasty conclusions. The challenge is to relax and allow your intuitions to flow. This is the only way you can truly begin to discern what the connection might mean. Some communications seem meaningless. It could be that you have linked in with someone from your past who only wants some help to move on. Accept that not all communications are long term, just as in your everyday life now you have short term friendships.

We use the pipe in all official ceremonies
Our pipe was hand made by Bald Eagle with the specifications given by Running Wind.

Everything on this page is what I learnt as a clairvoyant in the first six years of my journey.
How do you know it's true?
Where does it come from?
Is it me? Is it you?

Clairvoyancy is the psychic art of clear seeing and real knowing.

Clairvoyancy gives meaning to vague feelings and notions that are too easily dismissed as mere imagination. How many times have you seen something, felt something, or known something, only to brush past the idea or feeling to later discover that you were right?

Origin Clairvoyancy nurtures those subconscious images in order to make them stronger and clearer.

Accept your knowing. Follow the feeling. Listen for the insight.


Clairvoyancy is one of the ways we communicate with our guides, and the Higher Self within, through speech and channelling. It is widely used in "Readings" by those gifted with the ability to used it, to help others on their life paths in various ways. Clairvoyancy is NOT something that can be Learned, but a Gift that the Recipient cannot claim laurels for. The Recipient, however, does have a huge responsibility to use this gift wisely, compassionately, and sensitively. The Karmic cause and effect package comes into play here.

There is a need to exercise caution when choosing a "Clairvoyant" for a Readin ; because there are no formal qualifications in this field, unscrupulous and sometimes dishonest individuals will present as Clairvoyants simply to make money. Dedicated and sincerely gifted Clairvoyants (Who, incidentally, also have to earn to live ) will usually have educated themselves in the fields of counselling, in some way, and will have survived in the field over a period of time. After all, the proof of a pudding is in the eating !! Listen to the inner voice that guides us to and recognises truth, follow your instinctual response to the Clairvoyant when first you speak to them and make a few practical, down to earth enquiries of her/him before committing yourself to an appointment. Questions like "How long have you been doing this? " and "Do you have linked qualifications, if so, what?" If nothing else, that will create time for your instinctual response to make itself felt. Irresponsible counselling at any level can cause chaos in lives. A good Clairvoyant can throw light, hope and direction into even the worst of situations, and sometimes suggest solutions we may have overlooked in our too close proximity to the problem. Unfortunately, the bad apple syndrome applies here as in all of life, and unscrupulous "Fortune Tellers" have somewhat tarnished the title "Clairvoyant". Remember, a Clairvoyant is not God, nor is she/he always 100% right in her interpretation of what she/he is given for you, and that extravagant self praise is no praise at all !! There are many genuine, gifted Readers who could be of real help to you with your problems, search one out. Put your antennae up, and you will find one that will suit you and your approach to life. The charlatans amongst us do not last long at any one address or profession, and this media is no exception.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Dreaming is the ability you have to create a dream and know that it can come true. It is the original waking Sleep State in which you return to the source of your creative power. Dreaming is the practice that reconnects you with the magic and mystery of your subconscious mind. It is the sleep of inspiration.

A conscious daydream shows you a practical way to turn your dreams into reality. In your daydreams be conscious of the beautiful vision you can create.

Relax, close your eyes, and off you go!


Forget about the day when it's been cloudy,
but don't forget your hours in the sun.
Forget about the times you've been defeated,
but don't forget the victories you've won.

Forget about mistakes that you can't change now,
but don't forget the lessons that you've learned.
Forget about misfortunes you encounter,
but don't forget the times your luck has turned.

Forget about the days when you've been lonely,
but don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen.
Forget about the plans that didn't work out right,
but don't forget to always have a dream.

Part Two of Our Journey

This is an overview of chakras. I am just scraping the surface. I am providing a place to start. The rest is up to you.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex. When I think of Chakras the word energy comes to mind. Chakras are the conduits through which universal energy flows. Life is energy. Nature provides us understanding of this. For we are one. The sun’s energy is absorbed by the Lily and brings it to life. The energy goes to the Lily’s roots, which draws the nutrients from the earth. The energy rises/ascends back up and the Lily flowers. Energy is transformed into beauty and is given back to the world. Life is energy. As we are the same.
Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy. Placement is just in front of the spine beginning at the base and rising/ascending to the crown of our head. In the following order Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Each a different level of consciousness. When you ascend from one level to the next so does your prospective. I read a great example of this. Picture a seven story building. When looking from the first floor what you see is very different from the view of the seventh floor. The ideal is to have clear perception. Each chakra emits a level of frequency. Root emitting the lowest frequency. Crown emitting the highest frequency. I have summarized the main chakras for us.
1st is our Root. Located at the base of our spine. Its color is red. The drive is survival. The core issue is to find a place on Earth. The perspective is animal instinct. The level of consciousness is the connection to body and Earth. The task is to be fully in the body. If this is unbalanced we tend to show insecurity. Clarity comes when you find a place on Earth that enlivens your physical being. Crystals associated are ruby, garnet, and obsidian. Psychic sense is of smell. The element associated is Earth
2nd is our Sacral. Located at the just above our genitals. The color is orange. The drive is pleasure. The core issue is sensuality. The perspective is emotional self. The level of consciousness is the awareness of magnetic energy. The task is to enjoy life. When Sacral is unbalanced we tend to be indulgent. When sacral is balanced we have a creative and controlled passion for life. Crystals associated are carnelian, and amber. Psychic sense is of taste. The element associated is water.
3rd is our Solar Plexus. Located at our navel. The color is yellow. The drive is power. The core issue is will power. The perspective is principles. The level of consciousness is looking for opportunities for the assertion of will. The task is to learn to choose wisely. When Solar is unbalanced we tend to have power conflicts. When Solar is balanced we are able to focus our will power to achieve you wants and to have joy in what you achieved. Never expressing more than necessary, but enough to achieve results. Crystals associated are tourmaline, citrine, and topaz. Psychic sense is of sight. The element associated is fire.
4th is our Heart. Located at our heart. The color is green. The drive is love. The core issue is having a noncompetative open heart to all. The perspective is cooperation. The level of consciousness is one of being at peace. The task is joy. When Heart is unbalanced we tend to be a bleeding heart. The consciousness can be experienced at three levels of love. Personal love is the delight in people close to you. Compassionate love is feeling the beauty of each soul struggling to become more conscious. Universal love is where the lower three chakras of earth (Yin) and our top three of heaven (Yang) meet and become one in the heart. Achieved when we give love and we feel the universal energy flow though out us. Our energy does not drain from giving love at this level. When you become tired from giving you know you are giving from the wrong place. The soul’s purpose of the 4th chakra is to inspire compassion in others. The crystals associated are aventurine and rose quarts. Psychic sense is of touch. The element associated is air.
5th is our Throat. Located at our throat. The color is blue. The drive is creativity. The core issue is to speak your truth. The perspective is to have unique world view without cultural conditioning. The level of consciousness is to detach and observe without bias. The task the ability to be authentic. When throat is unbalanced we tend to feel inadequacy or insensitivity. When in balance we see the world in a new way a fresh way. The crystals associated are celestite, aquamarine, and crysocola. Psychic is of hearing.
6th is our Third Eye. Located between our brow. The color is indigo. The drive is transcendence. The core issue is to be an inspiration to others. The perspective is to be insightful. The level of consciousness is intuitive inner guidance from aligning with the larger reality. The task is to be able to direct vision. When Third eye is unbalanced we tend to space out or have illusions. We gain balance with slow, steady, patient work, we will develop a kinship with the witness within. Giving us prophetic insight. " A unitive state of consciousness." The crystals associated are flourite, indigo, and tourmaline. This is the center of the psychic senses with many psychic effects.
7th is our Crown. Located at the crown of our head. The color is violet or white. The drive is spirituality. The core issue is connecting with divine intent. The perspective is seeing through the eyes of the divine. The level of consciousness is experiencing all of life as spiritual. The task is to surrender. When the crown is unbalanced we tend to anchor our lives into a separate reality. Disassociation the inability to interact in our everyday world. This can be very dangerous. Also, list making with your ego of what you want or need. As in saying the ego knows more than God does. "Let go and let God (Goddess)" should be well thought of here. The crystal associated is the quartz crystal.
I was not sure what I wanted to wrap up with on chakras. Then I realized the last quote
"Let go and let God"


The way to become human is to learn to recognize the lineaments of God
in all the wonderful modulations of the face of man.
- Joseph Campbell; 'The hero with a thousand faces'
The Aura is the energy the Soul emanates. Some people refer to this as electromagnetic energies. This is suspended around the human body in an oval shaped field referred to as the 'auric body'. The size of the auric body differs from person to person due to the level of spiritual growth that person is experiencing or the type of awareness they have. It's an energy field that exists while we are alive.
The importance of our Aura cannot be ignored as it's in constant exchange with all forms of energy whether man-made or natural. At the same time it reveals the health and emotional state of a person. People with the ability of clairvoyance can read a person like a book as the Aura contains the past, present and future thoughts, as well as the feelings and actions that a person has. Aurically, we all give and take what we need without question or conscious recognition, from whatever energy source is in close contact.
The human energy field is composed of the seven auric bodies which are translucent and colorful, appearing much like the colors in a rainbow, only more subtle in intensity. Below is a table of all auric bodies with a brief description including an estimate size of each layer, starting from the closest to the physical self and ending with the outermost layer.
Physical Auric Body
(approx. up to 1.35 inches) It's the closest to the body and represents the health of a person. The physical auric body is detected through Kirlian photography which was invented by the Russian scientists Valentina and Semyon Kirlian.

Etheric Auric Body
(approx. 0.95-3.80 inches) It's also called 'the etheric double' due to it's unique characteristic as a dual layer. The first layer is an exact duplicate of the physical self. The second one is a mass of energy that encompasses the first one and represents the eternal self. At the moment of death, the etheric double and its auric emanations (the second layer) accompany the individual to other levels of awareness in the Astral Plane.

Vital Auric Body
(approx. 1.90-11.35 inches) This is the true life-force, as it's the only layer of the aura that radiates energy and absorbs it from the surrounding environment. The other layers in the aura only absorb energy. Emotions are felt at this level.

Astral Auric Body
approx. 60cm
(approx. 22.75 inches) This is the largest layer and it's created from the emanations from the astral body, which is where a person stores their complete past and present life story. It's often the first place where the experiences of 'good' or 'bad' create an effect.
True Love, the eternal type, occurs when the astral auric body molds two auras into one.

Lower Mental Auric Body
(approx. 1.50-7.55 inches) The lower mental layer displays a person's abilities on the intellectual level.
Mental illness causes a lack of symmetry to the oval shape of the lower mental aura.

Higher Mental Auric Body
approx. 60cm
(approx. 22.75 inches) This layer contains the energies that supply us with our higher mind functioning capabilities. It is our intellectual link with the Creator. This is the place where our higher self dwells. It has direct access to Universal Knowledge which anyone can draw upon to enhance talents and to balance the mind, body and spirit.
When spirit communication is taking place, the entity stimulates the higher mental layer of the aura, causing it to radiate in various colors. These colors reflect the nature of the entity, whether it's a deceased relative, a soulmate from a previous lifetime or a Spirit Guide.

Spiritual Auric Body This layer is referred as the link to God or Creator, as it draws to a person the Universal Life Force necessary in the physical realm.

As previously stated, the Auric Body is the human energy field. This energy field is in turn comprised of whirlpools of energy which process and distribute incoming energy as well as release outgoing energy. These whirlpools are referred to as Chakras.

Auric Colors
Auric colors represent life and liberate people from black and white thinking and feelings. The colors of the Aura are like the colors of the rainbow, and their combination is infinite. People who have the ability to see the Aura in color sometimes have a different view on the meanings of the colors involved. That's because each person that they see has his or her own unique characteristics in the auric body and the energy field (aura) changes all the time.
The interpretation below is a brief description of some of the auric colors. It should only be taken as a point of reference and not in a literal way.
BLACK If it appears in various layers of the aura, it can indicate damage to either the emotions, self-esteem or organs.

GRAY This color normally represents depression, which is a suffocation of energy.

BROWN Amber - it shows the courage that a person has when being tested.

Brown orange - it represents careless attitude.

Copper - it indicates a connection with the earth's minerals.

Chocolate brown - it denotes an affinity with Nature.

Dark brown - it reflects common sense.

PURPLE Imperial purple - it's the color of Spiritual Awakening.

Lavender - it's the color of developing psychic abilities.

Lilac - it's the color of spiritual balance.

Magenta - it's the color of adaptation and/or integration.

Mauve - it's the color of humility.

Violet - it's the color of Spiritual Wisdom.

BLUE Indigo - it's the color of psychic abilities.

Navy blue - it indicates an evaluation of ethics.

Pale blue - it's the color representing energized emotions or imagination.

Sky blue - it represents the unconscious intuition that a person has.

GREEN Apple green - it's the healing force of a new life.

Bright green - it represents the friendly nature of a person.

Dark green - it reflects mental stress.

Emerald green - it indicates a release of stress through practical wisdom.

Jade - it's the color of charity and self-sacrifice.

Lime - it's the color of a deceitful person.

Olive green - it reflects the distrust that a person has.

Sage - It indicates spiritual growth through the awareness of other realities.

YELLOW In general yellow represents the intellect of a person.

Butter - it reflects that a person is mentally focused on a problem.

Golden yellow - it reflects the evolvement of the mind to a higher level of awareness.

Mustard - this color represents the mind games that a person plays in order to deceive others. It's normally around lime color.

Pale yellow - it reflects that a person is a dreamer with no results.

Primrose yellow - it indicates new learning.

GOLD It is the color of the highest degree of evolvement. This color is used in representing holy people such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, saints and others. It is said that when a child is born it has a golden halo as the child hasn't yet been influenced by any man-made doctrine.

ORANGE In general orange represents the balance of mental and physical states.

Apricot - it represents gentle expressions.

Orange-red - it reflects a weak will.

Orange-yellow - it reflects excessive thinking.

RED In general red represents quick temper, aggression or anger.

Bright pink - it's the color of lust or seduction.

Dusty pink - it reflects immaturity.

Pink - it's the color of Universal Love.

Scarlet red - It reflects an egocentric personality.

SILVER It represents the guide energy from higher entities such as Spirit Guides.

WHITE It represents the purification of the mind, body and spirit.